How can antimicrobials prevent healthcare-associated infections?
In the past century, modern medicine has broken countless barriers towards a safer, more effective healthcare protocol.
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These ear tubes with liquid infused materials may improve ear infection treatment outcomes
A research collaboration in Boston may have uncovered a design overhaul to improve outcomes for ear tubes known as tympanostomy tubes.
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High-Performance Crosslinkable Thermoplastic Elastomers for Medical Applications
This article presents an overview of these TPE families and markets and where they are used. It reviews the advantages of the irradiation crosslinking process and the improvements imparted to plastics and elastomers, particularly to the COPA family of thermoplastic.
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Bacteria-Based Bioink 3D Prints Bone-Like Composites
Researchers have created a new bacteria-based bioink that can print composite materials that have a similar strength and texture to bone, paving the way for innovations in biomedical and marine applications, they said.
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Q&A: Material Selection for Thin-Walled Micro-Molded Medical Devices
The main benefits of thin-walled medical device components and implants are patient comfort, and the smaller a part can get, the smaller areas it can effectively monitor and treat.
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Extrusion Process Enables Synthetic Material Growth
An interdisciplinary team of University of Minnesota Twin Cities scientists and engineers has developed a first-of-its-kind, plant-inspired extrusion process that enables synthetic material growth.
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Telemedicine and Connectivity to Drive Material Innovation in the Near Future
The UCLA team built the barrier by depositing a thin layer of zwitterionic material to a device surface and then bonding it to the underlying substrate through UV light irradiation.
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Making Fast & Easy Connections with Swelling Fluids
Many medical devices employ new and more sophisticated components in their designs. This includes the tubing and hoses used in venous access devices, drainage catheters, dialysis machines, infusion pumps, enteral feeding devices, and others that transfer fluid, medications, gases, guide wires, cameras, or other materials.
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Tough Gel Adhesives for Wound Healing
The hydrogel itself is a hybrid of two different types of polymers: a seaweed extract called alginate that is used to thicken food, and polyacrylamide, which is the main material in soft contact lenses.
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Material Can Shape-Shift with Stability Across Forms
A flexible, lightweight, and easy-to-fabricate structure combines materials in a unique way to shape-shift……
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